Midau A., Dazala A.U and Luka, J.S.
The objective of this study was to determine the ruminal degradability of dry matter in situ, for urea treated Maize stover. The dry matter disappearance in M1ranged from 34.61-48.43 in 3 – 96 hours respectively, M2 ranged from 34.47-77.67 within 3-9 6hours, M3 ranged from 34.23-76.54 within the incubation period of 3-96 hours and M4 from 37.24-78.86 between 3-96 hours incubation periods respectively. Ruminal DM disappearances increased with rumen incubation time for all the treatments (3 to 96h). Treatment M4 had the highest value at all times and the lowest DM disappearances were found in treatment M1. The values recorded for treatment M2, M3 and M4 had no significant difference between each other, but had significant (P<0.05) difference when compared to treatment M1. The fitted values, values was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the measured values in all the treatments with M1 recorded the lowest values and M4 with the significantly (P<0.05) higher values. There is an indication that incubation period had significant (P<0.05) influence on the feed materials, as there was a positive relationship between incubation period and dry matter disappearance. There was also similar positive correlation between the amount urea inclusion and dry matter disappearance.