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About the Journal – ADSUJAS
Adamawa State University Journal of Agricultural Sciences (ADSUJAS) publishes peer reviewed papers on all aspects of agricultural Sciences, as reviews (solicited or submitted), research articles (full length and short communications). Contributions are considered for evaluation on the understanding that they are original and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, the papers are sent to two referees (experts in respective fields) for evaluation. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief to publish a paper in concurrence with referee(s) opinion is considered final.
Aim and Scope
The Journal publishes solicited and unsolicited research articles, short communications, reviews that advance our knowledge on all aspects of agriculture and food sciences with well defined research hypothesis, experimental designs and innovative outcomes. Articles are published with the assumption that they have not been published and neither under consideration in any journal. The journal is also key forum to disseminate information to the scientific communities regarding crop production techniques and technologies, threats of land and environment degradation, future challenges of the agriculture such as drought, salinity, crop pest & diseases, and low soil fertility. Improvement of potentially new crops that could diversify human consumption produces diversified product for industrial uses. Journal gives special emphasis on the publication of articles regarding the use of indigenous plant genetic resources, industrial food chain, and reduction of post harvest losses and innovative methods of food preservation and processing. In addition, research involving both farmers and agriculture scientists will be prioritized for publication.
Frequency: 02 Volumes and 06 issues each volume in a year
Areas Covered: Agriculture & Biological Sciences.
Accepted Language: English Only
Type of Articles: Full Length Article, Review Article, Short Communication.