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Contributions for the publication in the Journal include but not limited to:-
i. Original research article/analysis/perspective and survey.
ii. Review articles
iii. Short communication/Letter to the Editor and Correspondence
iv. Original research article should be the result of original research. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in the preliminary form.
v. Review article should cover subjects failing within the scope of the journal. They are usually submitted on request. Any author wishing to submit s review article should contact and first seek the permission of the Editor-In-Chief.
vi. Short communication is a concise but complete description of a limited aspect of an investigation.
vii. All contributions should be made very precise and concise. Unnecessary lengthy discussions should be discouraged.
The manuscript should be type written in English, Times New Roman (12 font size), on A4 size paper with double spacing and 1 inch top, bottom, left and right margins. The articles should be arranged to follow the conventional form in the following order.
1. Title Page: Should contain a running title of not more than 15 words or sixty characters, names of all authors, complete postal address, telephone number and e-mail of the corresponding author.
2. Summary: Should be a concise description of the main aim, results and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words.
3. Key Words: There should be key words of not more than 3 – 6.
4. Introduction: A brief description of the problems, a short survey of the relevant literature and the aim of objectives of the work.
5. Materials and Methods: Should be a description of the experimental design and methods used. Subheadings may be used for each item.
6. Result: Should be a concise presentation of findings of the research work.
7. Discussion: Should emphasize the significance of the results and their relations to the objectives of the work. A comparison to similar works and reports should be made and inferences and conclusions drawn.
8. Acknowledgement: Only individuals who contributed significance to the work but do not merit authorship should be mentioned.
9. References: All relevant publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of number references. The authors’ names should be arranged in alphabetical order in the reference section. All journal names and books should be written in full and italicized. References should be arranged using the following guidelines.