ADSUJAS is a Publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria
Adamawa State University Journal of Agricultural Sciences publishes original contributions in the area of Agriculture and related Sciences.
Types of Contributions
Contributions for the publication in the Journal include but not limited to:-
i. Original research article/analysis/perspective and survey.
ii. Review articles
iii. Short communication/Letter to the Editor and Correspondence
iv. Original research article should be the result of original research. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in the preliminary form.
v. Review article should cover subjects failing within the scope of the journal. They are usually submitted on request. Any author wishing to submit s review article should contact and first seek the permission of the Editor-In-Chief.
vi. Short communication is a concise but complete description of a limited aspect of an investigation. vii. All contributions should be made very precise and concise. Unnecessary lengthy discussions should be discouraged.